child birth astrology free prediction

4 min readJul 2, 2020


Childbirth is that the most vital thing happening to a few after their marriage. within the traditional society of India, after marriage, childbirth has always been the topmost priority for the couples. It gives the couples immense pleasure and real happiness by becoming a parent and raising their child. Soon after the kid enters into a couple’s life, they spend their whole life nurturing that tiny bundle of joy. free child birth astrology predictions

Unfortunately, some couples remain doomed of this blessing, and in some cases couples do get pregnant but after a really while and after facing many issues. albeit the husband and wife are absolutely healthy and fine yet they need to travel through delays and issues. The question always arises that why does this delay occur, but life science has no answer to the present question that despite the couple being healthy why does the delay occur.

The Answers Lies In Vedic Astrology!
The ancient sciences of Vedic Astrology definitely have all the answers. They reveal the native course of life and prescribe the remedies to affect the issues happening within the present and people that are expected to return within the near future. Vedic astrology reads the horoscope of an individual and suspects that what the celebs have future for variety of aspects of the person’s life. Similar is that the case in having problems during pregnancy, the horoscope of both husband and wife are analyzed.

What Is Child Astrology?
Child astrology is one among the various aspects of Vedic Astrology. it’s highly beneficial for couples who face problems like delays, complications in conceiving, etc. The astrologer suspects all the hurdles and obstacles which will be faced during childbirth by reading the horoscope of the couple.when will i get married astrology prediction free allow us to understand some concepts of astrology associated with childbirth.

According to astrology, the homes that are involved in childbirth are:

*2nd house: Signifies family

*5th house: The prime house of the kid

*11th house: Signifies gain of a toddler when combined with 2nd and 5th house.

The houses which make the consequences of the above-mentioned planets ineffective are the first house, 4th house, and 10th house.Multiple planets are analyzed on the horoscope of both husband and wife for and their results are supported variety of things such as:

*In which houses are they placed?

*The Lordships of their houses

*All the aspects that they need been casting and every one the aspects that are being cast upon them

*Their compatibility with other planets

*The Nakshatras of the planets that are placed upon them

Well, it’s not so safe to mention that planets giving results of 2nd, 5th & 11th houses promote childbirth whereas planets giving results of 1st, 4th & 10th makes the consequences of childbirth planets ineffective. There are another factors that require to be analyzed supported specific horoscopes and it differs from case to case. These factors include whether there’s a risk of abortion or miscarriage, will there be a natural birth or through surgery, the sort of sign present in house 5th and the way will the pregnancy periods find yourself .

It is interesting to understand that some signs within the house 5th are considered as infertile like Aries, Gemini, Leo, and Virgo. Some signs are considered as fertile like Cancer, Scorpio, and Leo. and a few are considered as indecisive signs like Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius.

Reasons For Delay/Complications In Childbirth
In order to work out what the precise reason behind the childbirth problems is to research the couple’s individual horoscopes. In astrology, tons of emphases is given to research childbirth problems. The broader grounds of examining these problems are: know future

Malefics: They indicate pregnancy period with the assistance of Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu, risk of abortion/miscarriage.

Mars: Placement of Mars is analyzed very carefully to work out whether the kid are going to be born by natural birth or through surgery.

Sign in the 5th House: The 5th house impacts the pregnancy & childbirth to an excellent extent. child birth astrology

Doshas: If either of the couple’s horoscopes is suffered by a Dosha (a flaw within the compatibility of planets within the person’s horoscope), multiple aspects of life are likely to urge badly affected, and it also includes childbirth.

Wearing the incorrect Gemstone: If a native wears a gemstone that’s not suitable for his/her horoscope, then it affects life badly in some ways .



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