Child prediction by date of birth

4 min readJul 27, 2020


Childbirth is a special moment for any woman in her life. Every woman wishes for having a baby to nourish and call her own in her life. However, there are many women who face problems of childbirth in life. It may be inability to produce children or miscarriages or any other related situations faced in life. child birth astrology free prediction

due to this inability or problems in bearing a child, the woman often needs to face the ire of the family and the society as a whole. Often sneering comments are made on the woman for her inability for bearing a child.

In such a case, the woman can seek the help of Vedic astrology to know the destiny and chances of child bearing. With the help of Vedic astrology, the couple can start planning for the child as per the predictions and the proper timing given by the Vedic astrologers. This would help the couple to have a fruitful result in the form of a son or a daughter in future. free career report vedic astrology

Vedic Astrology or Jyotish Shastra is the Hindu system of astrology which has its traced origin roots in ancient Indian scriptures or Vedas. Vedic Astrology has few key indicators for effectively predicting the possibilities and difficulties of bearing children in couples. The indicators include:

Fifth House in the Horoscope: This house highlights the prospects of child bearing in couples. The association of the planets of Jupiter, Venus or Moon in the 5th house depicts healthy development of foetus while planets like Rahu, Ketu, Mars or Sun predict unfavourable conditions for childbirth. marriage prediction by date of birth

Lord of Fifth House: The fifth house ruler is the supreme of the zodiac sign and falls on the cusp of the fifth house. It predicts the possibilities of parenthood and also the sex of the child. For example, if the Scorpio falls on the fifth house cusp, Mars becomes the fifth house lord and as Mars is a masculine planet then the first child would be a male. Likewise, if the fifth lord is placed in malefic houses like 6th, 8th or even the 12th house, it signifies problems in child bearing. These are some signs depicted by this.
Jupiter: The planet Jupiter is the significator for children. If the planet is weak and is placed in conjunction with malefic planets, it predicts problems in childbirth. how to predict child birth from horoscope

Moon Placement: If the Moon positions itself in the 5th house and gets the association of other planets, the couple would be blessed with children. However, planets like Rahu, Ketu or Saturn can act as a deterrent to childbirth.

Zodiac Signs: Some zodiac signs are considered fruitful and some barren. Like Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces are considered fruitful and Virgo, Aries and Leo are considered barren.

D-& or Saptamasha Chart: This refers to a continuation of a good birth chart of a person or the birth horoscope. The chart gives a good insight about different matters like childbirth, impregnation, baby gender, grandchildren, lineage and all. foreign settlement after marriage astrology

Couples who are seeking children should contact Vedic astrologers to know the predictions and possibilities of childbirth ad can plan accordingly. A good consultation is a proper way to have a nourishing family and a healthy baby in the home.

If the reproduction activity of the couple is done keeping in mind all about the planetary positions, then the result would be a good, healthy and a fulfilling child. For vedic astrology childbirth predictions through Vedic Astrology the first, fifth as well as the ninth houses or their horoscope lords are religiously analyzed. online love problem solution

The Ascendant, Navamsa and Saptamsa divisional charts are analyzed and both fifth and ninth houses are observed for the childbirth to predict the timing of conceiving a woman.

Childbirth Prediction in Kundli

The lagna during the conception time is referred to as Adana lagna which rules the predominantly sensitive eighth month of a pregnancy period.

If the child conception takes place when adana lagna is afflicted as per the childbirth prediction in kundili, it would bring miscarriages and problems during the pregnancy period.

The horoscope and kundli of both partners are analysed for couples who are facing childbirth problems. The presence of the pitr dosha in childbirth prediction cases causes further delays and even negative results. For couples who want to know child yog in my kundili, they should visit a Vedic astrologer with the kundili to have a good consultation for childbirth prediction in kundli. One can also consult the horoscope for childbirth prediction for a good child.

When Will i Get Child Astrology
A child’s astrology can be read and acquired by the parents just right days after the childbirth. A Vedic astrologer look into two main aspects in the child astrology: the problems for remedies and the strengths to support the child. The astrologer carried out the analysis and gives proper solutions to the problems as required.

For the strengths of the child, the astrologer checks the rāśi and the navāṁśa charts of the child. With this, the parents get the facility to get advice and be prepared for remedies if any problems occur later in the life of the child. Get the child’s astrology now from the expert Vedic astrologers.



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