Second Marriage In Horoscope And Astrology

3 min readJun 11, 2020


Second marriage has become a really common scenario since the previous couple of years. Earlier, in our society, it had been considered taboo. But, now that times have changed then has the meaning of marriage. we will say that now people don’t take marriages with any quite obligation or boundation and that they have finally learned the art of letting go.

However, just some people get to possess a second marriage. Not everyone finds that person again. So, are there chances for you to possess a second marriage? the solution to the present question lies in your horoscope. the homes and therefore the planetary positions on certain houses determine your chances of getting a second marriage. second marriage in astrology The seventh house during a person’s horoscope is for relationships and marriages. Therefore, it’s an important element in determining your second marriage.

Let’s learn more about which yogas in horoscope and astrology assist you have second marriage:

* If the 7th house or lord of the 7th home is occupied by these dual signs; Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces.

* Rahu and therefore the bad influence of the afflicted Venus within the 7th house increases the probabilities of the many marriages in life.

* If the 7th house lord of lagna or moon sits on the twin sign or pairs up with venus, then there’ll be the probabilities of two marriages.

* If venus or the lord of the 7th house sits on the twin sign, then your first marriage won’t achieve success . navamsa chart reading therein case, you’ll have a second marriage yoga in your horoscope.

* If the lords of the 2nd and therefore the 12th house sit on the 3rd house, which is aspected by any benefic planet, then there’ll be a second marriage scope.

* If this yoga if the lord or the 2nd and therefore the 12th house on the 3rd home is connected by the twin signs, there’ll be 100% chances of getting a second marriage.

* If the 7th house and therefore the 11th home is occupied by the benefic planets like saturn or mercury, then there’ll be a second marriage.

* If the malefic planets influence the lord of the 2nd and 7th house or mars or saturn sits on the 7th and therefore the 8th house, then there are chances of a second marriage.

* If quite two planets sit on the 11th house at an equivalent time, then there’ll be a second marriage. the sun in astrology

* If the lord of the 7th house sits within the 9th house, then there are chances for second marriages.

* If the lord of the 8th house resides within the 1st house or the 7th house, and at an equivalent time, the lord of the 7th home is under the twin sign or the influence of the benefic planets, then there’ll be a second marriage.

* If Mars sits on the second house and saturn sits on the 8th house, then there’ll be chances of two marriages.

* If the lord of the 7th house sits within the 4th house, then there’ll be chances for a second marriage.

* If there are quite one planet sitting on the 7th house, then it indicates a second marriage. However, this condition should even be supported by others.

* If there’s some sort of connection between the 7th house and therefore the 11th house in a method or another, then there’ll be chances of a second marriage. weekly predictions

* If the lords of the 2nd house and therefore the 7th house have any reference to the malefic planets, then there’ll be a second marriage.



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